Over The Rainbow

The Day to Day Life of Bear the Cairn Terrier and his Buddies All Rescued From Various Circumstances Not of Their Own Choice

Monday, October 10, 2005

Snarley-Marley and the Kitten

This is Marley guarding his kitten from the attentions of the Mama cat. See her behind him. He actually thinks the kitten belongs to him, although he has neither the plumbing to birth it nor the equipment to nourish it.

Don't try to get between him and his kitten though. You will truly incur the Snarly Wrath of Marley.

I think he's afraid the flying monkeys will try to take it away one day.

Just look at those eyes and be afraid-be VERY afraid.
Personally I think he is sukoshi Baka Inu.
But we all love him anyway.


  • At 10/11/2005 5:48 PM, Blogger Overboard said…

    You make me feel homesick for good ole big beds and gorgeous furniture! How am I going to cope with living on a boat when I know that luxury like what you got exists out there!
    Your bed should be in a movie!

  • At 10/11/2005 7:15 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    Ha Ha. It's not even made up! I had stripped the sheets for washing and the "kids" decided they liked the lambswool mattress pad.

  • At 10/11/2005 7:32 PM, Blogger Overboard said…

    Oh, you just had to let slip about the 'lambswool mattress pad' too!
    Damn you! I'm selling the boat!

  • At 10/11/2005 8:47 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    We'll just trade!-the lambswool mattress pad covered extra large bed for the boat.Sounds fair to me!

  • At 12/21/2006 1:13 PM, Blogger Zen said…

    Such a deal!

    Kawaii Wan Chans!


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